New MRL Design Presentations

According to customer requirements and changes in the International market, after half a year of research and development and testing,we successfully developed the PG2000 series of machine room-less products, and released this product on September 10, 2021. The new design adopts all First Class Chinese Suppliers, For example, the traction machine uses the TORIN Drive brand, the door uses the WITTUR brand, the control system uses the IB6 integrated control system, etc. The characteristics of the products are as follows:
1. Save construction cost – small shaft, large car, while reducing the size of the shaft, the size of the car can be kept unchanged, and the bottom pit on the top floor is small, breaking through the technical barriers of first-line brands, saving construction area and reducing construction cost.
2. Save installation time and cost: The host is installed on the guide rail, and there is no need to open pockets in the top of shaft, which saves installation time and cost. The counterweight guide shoes are installed on the upper and lower parts of the counterweight frame, which is convenient for installation and replacement.
3. The counterweight adopts solid guide rail, which has higher structural strength, better running effect and higher riding comfort;
4. Equipped with electric brake release as standard to minimize rescue time.
5. The material and decoration are of high use level. The car and hall door are all made of foamed hairline stainless steel. The elevator runs safely and quietly, which improves the comfort and experience of customers;
6. It can provide customers with customized services, and the products can be used in a wider range.
7. Save maintenance costs; the steel wire rope wooden frame can be used to pre-fold the wire rope, reduce the friction between the wire rope and the reverse rope pulley, increase the service life of the steel wire rope and the reverse rope pulley, and save the maintenance cost.
The specific specifications of the PG2000 series are as follows: